Control Your Data & Earn Rewards | Cyder
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Cyder Branding

Cyder is a simple and free extension to protect your privacy, earn rewards, block ads, and improve your browser's speed

Your Data

Your Rules.

Cyder Data Desktop
Cyder - Logo Icon (Square)

“Cyder challenges the status quo to return control and profits from your data back to you.”


Ads Blocked


Trackers Blocked


Tokens Issued

Man using Cyder on his laptop
Protect your Privacy
We block online trackers and third-party cookies while you browse the web. Our tools make it easy for you to change your privacy settings whenever you would like.
Control your Data
With our AdBlock and user data dashboard, we make it simple for you to choose if, how, or when companies can access your information. Your data. Your rules.
Women earning royalties on Cyder
Women smiling while taking a selfie
Earn Rewards
Through our optional royalty program, we reward you with tokens for while you browse the web that can be used to enter our monthly lottery & redeemable for gift cards at a later stage.


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How it Works: 

Cyder provides a quick and easy process to control your data and earn royalties. 

1. Download and pin the extension to your browser directly

2. Browse like normal with added security and earnings

3. Redeemed during our monthly lotteries or for gift cards
How it works
Cyder Extension on laptop

Check out our Features


Protect your Privacy

Control your Data

Earn Royalties

Secure your Browser

Blocks invasive trackers and cookies while you browse

Incognito Mode

Deletes all cookies, history, and trackers during the incognito session

AdBlocker (Beta)

Blocks annoying ads to give you a faster & secure browsing experience

Data Dashboard

A dashboard that lets you control who has access to your data

Gift Card Redemption

The option to collect tokens redeemable for gift cards

Monthly Lottery

An optional royalty program that enters you into a monthly draw

Man using Cyder

Works with your favorite browser

Chrome Logo
Microsoft Edge Logo
Firefox logo
Brave Browser Logo

Download on your Browser Today:

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